Lunghezza mm: 65-74 Peso (kg: 2.3 Ugello aria: Alta qualità Spina della batteria: Mini Tamiya Corpo: Tecnopolimero Carbontech Perni del corpo con sistema di ritenzione: sì Boccole e cuscinetti: Boccole metalliche Cilindro: Alluminio fresato CNC Testata: Rinforzate Ingranaggi: Acciaio Riduttore: Rinforzate Hop Up Chamber: Tipo rotativo Canna interna: 6.01 Rivista: 130 BB Midcap Il motore: Coppia elevata Motor Grip: Accesso senza attrezzi Pistone: Rinforzato con ingranaggi a cremagliera in acciaio Testa del pistone: Rinforzate Sistema ferroviario: Alluminio anodizzato lavorato a CNC Piastra di selezione: aggiornato Primavera: Alta qualità Guida di primavera: Rimovibile rapidamente senza rimuovere il cambio dal corpo Piastra punteria: Rinforzate Cablaggio: Alto flusso BINARY TRIGGER The gun fires one BB when the trigger is pulled and one BB when the trigger is released, enabling the user to shoot in semi auto at double speed 3 BURST SEMI The gun fires a burst of 3 BB’s when the selector is on SEMI 3 BURST AUTO The gun fires a burst of 3 BB’s when the selector is on AUTO 5 BURST AUTO The gun fires a burst of 5 BB’s when the selector is on AUTO RAMPING FULL AUTO ON / OFF When the selector is on AUTO the gun fires a burst of 3 or 5 BB’s, keeping the trigger pulled after the burst gun switches to full-auto and continues firing until the trigger is released. Requires functions 4 or 5 active ACTIVE BRAKE OFF / ON The electromagnetic brake: The active brake avoids double shots and piston bounce when using high voltage batteries. Deactivate it for Speedsoft or if grip becomes hot SNIPER DELAY ON / OFF Simulation of a bolt action operation with a 1 second pause between shots. During pause the optical signal is on. Deactivate it before activating functions 1, 2, 3 LOW VOLTAGE PROTECTION The battery is constantly monitored and the power is cut-off if the Voltage falls below the security level to avoid over discharge that may damage the electronic unit VOLTAGE DETECTION The gun automatically recognizes the batteries Voltage CYCLE CONTROL The unit stops the piston only after a shooting cycle is completed and always in the same position increasing shooting consistency MOTOR DIAGNOSTIC The unit constantly check the motor parameters. In case the motor parameters go out of range, the unit enters in Protection Mode to avoid damages, an optical signal and a vibration are activated in order to alert the user (3 optical signals and 3 vibrations)
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